Tor Motors BMW motorcycle servicing

Our mechanics live and breathe BMW motorcycles exclusively. Tor Motors comprehensive experience brings solutions for every problem.

Our workshop is well prepared for BMW motorcycle servicing and maintenance, as well as any catastrophe. We have specialty tools, equipment and an extensive range of parts.

With six motorcycle hoists and years of practice, the team at Tor Motors is efficient and thorough. Your time is precious.

Tor Motors six motorcycle hoists

Tor Motors provides...

Quality tyres in BMW sizes

ABS issues have become a specialty of Tor Motors. If your ABS brakes are unreliable, then we have solutions to provide effective and reliable braking once again.

Tor Motors is big on fair pricing, quality service, preventative maintenance and motorcycle safety. Our riders are very important to us. The Tor Motors team will communicate updates and progress whilst your BMW motorcycle is in our care.

Tor Motors use quality products from proven suppliers that we trust. Performance, quality and price are our priority.

Tor Motors BMW twin engine Tor Motors BMW R1200GS_LC motor
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